
Ben Johnson - Wait

By , 2022-02-17
Ben Johnson - Wait

Wait is a haunting album of stark piano and vocals with industrial-type guitar and bass and percussion. I don't think I've heard anything quite like this combination of influences and textures. Johnson's classically trained voice belongs in theatrical productions and you hear that here. His piano is laid bare at many points and you hear its harmonics singing; it's really quite beautiful. You have to give Wait your full attention. I love it.


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Four Way Free EP

By , 2022-02-16
Four Way Free EP


This CD came to GAJOOB around 2003. I received A LOT of mail back in the day and couldn't get to all of it, but I'm still trying, for what it's worth. And this is one of those albums that make it worth while. The sound remains fresh for me, due to the interesting arrangements of acoustic guitars, cello and flute. Genji Nakano's songs have a happy spirit and paint pictures of characters I get to know through the lyrics. Drummer Larry Boodman propels these songs with both a driving rhythm and funk and a perfect lighter touch whenever it matters; always.

I'm discovering new music after it's prime with these boxes of unopened submissions. Four Way Free toured for a decade. You'll find a short live set at the Hard Rock Cafe linked here . It appears that three of the members are teachers. Cellist Peter McCafferey plays in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Boodman runs a School of Rock in Huntington Beach. It seems music is still their gasoline for life's fire.

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"24 Hours" by Wolfgang "Fadi" Dorninger

Wolfgang Dorninger of Monochrome Bleu, Josef K Noyce, The Smiling Buddhas will perform his entire catalog during a 24-hour streaming event from Sonic Sound Studio in Linz, Austria.

Date: Saturday 26. February - Sunday 27. February 2022

Time: 7 pm - 7 pm CET (24 hours)

During the performance, NFTs of music and studio items will be created and made available.

Tickets to the event as well as post-streaming access are being sold in advance of the show.

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Poverty Electronics - Poverty Electronics Vol. 9


Carl Kruger CHEFKIRK - Console Jammer - Fumbata Phiri - Gintas K - mhzesent NRZK odd person - sadfem - Stormhat Sylvia_Din - vÄäristymä - Yu Hein - compiled and mastered by Travis D. Johnson cover art by Neal D. Retke


I highly recommend this volume of tracks collected by Poverty Electronics, a netlabel dedicated to experimental and electronic music of all kinds. It's a diverse collection of music from ambient electronic pieces to noise that plays well to my ears, always hungry for new directions. This one will take you there. Go get it at a price of your choosing. --Reviewed by Bryan Baker .

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If this is your album, please share your thoughts about making it.

Released on Download.

PRICE: name your price

Bandcamp URL:

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Sockpuppet - Songs of Substance


Watch for review in a future posting. --Reviewed by Bryan Baker .

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If this is your album, please share your thoughts about making it.

Released on Download.

Visit fluffy porcupine

Bandcamp URL:

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Shouting At the Postman

By , 2021-10-12

Web Resources, Links: Shouting at the Postman... is full of cool zines and music that you won't find most places (if anywhere, for that matter). It's assembled like a webzine, while there are loads of resources, all notated so you know if it's something you gonna wanna check out. Bookmark it. What is the "Art Exchange Net" and how do I participate? Send me photocopyable artwork (collages, drawings, photos, paintings, found objects, etc.) or original recordings and I'll send you things that others have contributed to the archives. It's easy and fun, and you can meet some cool folks. Postal Address: ASKalice Art Exchange Net, PO Box 101, Newtown, PA 18940-0101 USA. SOURCE: Submission Updated: 10/12/2021.

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Download Album HERE




This tape features some of Darrell's "....faves of the so-called underground." And a fine tape it is, with Al Perry, Lord Litter, John Bartles, Sister Ray, Don Campau and more. Overall, this has a tasty, raw bite to it, with everything from shout-it-out screamers to a wonderfully composed and executed instrumental by Perry. --Reviewed by Bryan Baker 4/1/1989.

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Released on cassette.

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Chris Sizemore - free sound

By , 2021-10-09
Chris Sizemore - free sound


Sizemore self-financed the making of a thousand copies of this tape of found sound collage pieces, each with a sort of theme and has been handing them out to anyone who'll listen. Limited edition, full-color printed cover conveys an anti-media message and much of the tape inside expounds on that as well — a common take for collage artists. Some of the pieces tend to go a little too long, yet still manage to maintain focus. Highlights include a piece which collects various classic guitar riffs and couples them sexual juxtaposition. --Reviewed by Bryan Baker 7/17/1994.

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If this is your album, please share your thoughts about making it.

Released on cassette.

PRICE: $1 ppd. or free with trade Write to the artist about trading for other original music. (pricing and other information originates from the original review and most likely is no longer valid)




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Dino DiMuro - Project 5

By , 2021-09-26
Dino DiMuro - Project 5


Watch for review in a future posting. --Reviewed by Bryan Baker .

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This album was recorded in my bedroom studio, the same room in which I grew up from 1962 to 1990 (my parents sold the house, but my wife and I have been renting from the new owners). I record exclusively on Pro Tools, having used this program on all my film and TV work. This album’s instrumentation is so dense that I opted not to master these tracks with any kind of program. In tests, Mastering seemed to flatten the dynamics.

My audio setup is embarrassingly simple, as I find that the less I have to deal with, the more I can do. I use very little outboard gear. Some of my musical passages are transferred from old cassettes or reel to reel tapes. I do music the same way I used to do sound effects: I concentrate on the elements, not the huge amount of gear that’s available to alter those elements. I don’t think this is superior to what anybody else does; it’s just my preference.

Among the instruments used on this album are:

  • Fender Squire Stratocaster
  • Epiphone Baby Les Paul
  • Ibanez GRGR
  • Fender Telecaster Bass
  • Sigma & Alvarez acoustic guitars
  • Glarry 5-string Banjo
  • Washburn mandolin
  • Rogue Lap Steel
  • Various 80’s vintage synths
  • Glockenspiel

I try to make each album different from, or a logical extension of, the previous album. Stopgap Sam’s Last Stand was a double CD with lengthy songs and lots of guitar solos, so the follow-up Project 5 became an album of extremely short songs and just one guitar solo.

Thematically, there’s not really a concept here. On each of my current albums I try to include a quirky cover tune (here it’s “The Ballad of Heisenberg”, from Breaking Bad), a Captain Beefheart copy or cover tune (“Based on Buggy Boogie Woogie”), and a roughly equal number of vocal and instrumental selections, including two all-keyboard tracks. I also pick and record a song from my past, hoping to reimagine it with my current studio and more “seasoned” sensibilities (“Single Guy with a High Income” was first recorded in 1983).

On this release I sang and played all the instruments myself, including drums. The only track where I have a guest is “Rockjam with DJ” which features DJ Gibson on drum kit, along with short snippets of my old partner John Gibson playing with his synth.

The cover photo and audio sample of the restored Big Boy steam locomotive were both captured in Victorville, California on October 12, 2019, just because I like trains

Released on CD.

PRICE: $9.00

Bandcamp URL:

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Don Campau - Observer Effect


New instrumental offering from Northern California home recording musician, Don Campau. No songs, no rock, no raging lead guitar. Although some beats , this is mainly a quieter album with keyboards and a kitchen sink, improvisational nature.Miniatures that are strung together. A tribute and hat tip to home tapers worldwide doing whatever they want with no concern for sales or business. Hard copy available with original art covers for $10 postpaid in the USA from please add $5 for international orders credits released September 23, 2021 Campau, all instruments.


I was immediately interested in this new release by Don Campau since my own creative explorations are taking me in similar directions. The four tracks here are made up of short improvisational bits employing a wide variety of tones (guitar, flute, piano, synths, percussion, etc.). The first and last tracks are 15-minute plus pieces, however, they are comprised of short sections so the whole album shifts and flows by way of bursts of changing structures, sounds and styles. I enjoyed this album very much. --Reviewed by Bryan Baker .

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If this is your album, please share your thoughts about making it.

Released on On Bandcamp .

Visit Lonely Whistle Music

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