Love, Calvin
Love, Calvin
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Love, Calvin - Short Trip To Oblivion

user image 2015-01-21
Posted in: Review
Love, Calvin - Short Trip To Oblivion

When Scott Johnson sings things like "We all have friends. Some live in cages," it hits you somewhere unexpected. This album of Love, Calvin's final recordings is a collection of raw songs, raw emotion, raw humor. Lots of things on the edge inhabit this place. The people in these songs are not so much people you know, but people someone else knows. People in Scott's head. They're like the people you know reflected back in funhouse mirrors. The song titles read like extras in a Felini movie. Bumblebee, Robyn Hitchcock and Some Other Guy, Living In South Dakota, Cheerleaders On Dope, James, Dream of the One-Armed Psychopath, Caine in Boxers, Pink Pussy, Relapse, Killer's Greeting Card and the title song -- Short Trip is a misnomer. It's a long trip. (Russ Stedman has archived all of Love, Calvin's recordings for free download at the website). -- Bryan Baker

