Forum Activity for @home

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01/26/15 12:55:57AM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


How do you feel about this release more than 20 years later?
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01/25/15 11:54:12PM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


Were your initial tracks that you sent to Jeff, recorded all at once, specifically for this album?
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01/25/15 10:50:47PM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


Tell us about Killing of Mantiovani. This is one of my favorites. How did it start? Who played what? Did you have a title for it before sending it to Jeff? Details...
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01/25/15 09:15:05PM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


Tell me about the collaboration process with Jeff. Did you send him tapes and vice versa? Cassette tapes, I'm assuming. Was he recording on cassette 4-track as well?
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01/25/15 08:39:31PM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


How did you first come to know Jeff Olson?
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01/25/15 08:32:41PM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


What year was this created?
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01/25/15 08:32:16PM
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GAJOOB Interviews Rotcod Zzaj re: Whistlepoot Junction


If you don't mind, I'd like to interview you about the album Whistlepoot Junction, listed here:

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01/24/15 03:47:20PM
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A "rant" on cassette culture (by Robin James and Dick Metcalf, aka Rotcod Zzaj)

Cassette Culture

In the beginning, GAJOOB's policy was only to review cassettes. At the time (late 80s early 90s) that was an effective way to make sure the music I was writing about was independently produced. When CDRs came around, that policy changed and it became harder to determine indie cred as record companies began promoting new bands as indie. For me, I was just interested in the whole independent ethic and arts exchange. I think that's what you're alluding to when you talk about a time when everyone creates and shares creations. I always tried to make GAJOOB foster that exchange.

I actually always hated cassettes and still do. They're a cumbersome media to play and record on. I disagree that the format uniquely lends itself to custom art. Any other physical format has equal artistic potential. I also believe Digital has its own artistic potential yet to be realized. I want to create something a listener can touch and keep while experiencing digital. Or not.

I think art is more about the artist than about the media. Marketers call it "brand," but I think youth today gets it beyond its manufacture. They're looking at the real thing, the whole thing -- the person creating whatever. You see it in the popularity of youtube vloggers. Vlogging is the new mail art. We all should start vlogging.

I think the current cassette and vinyl resurgence is manufactured. Retro is in fashion. Look at graphic design trends and you'll notice this too. But new retro is never truly retro. New cassettes are missing the EXCHANGE ethic of cassette culture. And I'm not sure new cassette labels care about it. They're not really going for that. They're doing something new, defining a new paradigm and I like that about it. Don't try to recapture an old age, define your own. Keep pushing those boundaries.
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01/23/15 02:08:57AM
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Zzaj-Trax Musician's Virtual Assistant services


Seems like a great deal to me. I may have something for you outside the music game in case you're interested, Dick. Send me your phone number in a private note here. Private Notes are under your login name in the top menu.
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01/23/15 01:56:53AM
0 posts

Zzaj-Trax Musician's Virtual Assistant services


I think if anyone can perform the service well it's you, my friend. You've been on the forefront of digital music promotion from even before day one, man. The price seems well worth it for kind of service I know you'll provide.